FEB 15th 2025
Must pre-order online by 7pm Feb 13th!
(We will do our best, but orders after this time are not guaranteed)
Ruritan is a civic service organization with the purpose of creating a better understanding between people. Through volunteer community service, Ruritan makes America’s communities a better place to live and work. The mission of Ruritan is Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service. Each Ruritan club surveys the needs of its community and then works to meet those needs.
Ruritan clubs provide and coordinate a wide range of community improvement projects and activities, including community fundraisers, food drives, and scholarships to qualified students.
Many Ruritan clubs also support local youth organizations such as 4-H, FFA, Youth Athletic Leagues, scouts, and others.
Many Ruritan clubs also support local youth organizations such as 4-H, FFA, Youth Athletic Leagues, scouts, and others.
FELLOWSHIPBring the community together to learn and grow |
GOODWILL Support local youth organizations through sponsorship |
COMMUNITY SERVICEProvide for and preserve our community |
March 15th: Bears In Elmont!
Starting at 1pm, join us for a free lunch with demos and a 3pm seminar about bears and other local wildlife. Get informed and know what to do as wildlife become more active going into the warmer months! Seminar starts at 3pm. This program is brought to you in partnership with Virginia Master Naturalist, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Department of Wildlife Resources, and more!
March 22nd: Adopt-A-Highway Quarterly Clean Up
Starting at 7am, be on the lookout for Elmont Ruritans and volunteers along Cedar Lane (rt 623) from Route 1 to Elmont Road performing our quarterly clean up to help keep our community clean! A project in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Transportation
May 24th: Ruritan Day
The Ruritan Organization was founded May 21st 1928, Ruritans celebrate this founding the Saturday following, with community events, programs and more. Join the Elmont Ruritans from 1pm - 3pm for a "What is Ruritan?" along with a free lunch and yard games (weather permitting) We hope you'll consider joining us and learn about how we support our community!
June 7th: Ashland Strawberry Faire
The Elmont Ruritans will be out at the Faire again this year. Stop by to learn about Ruritan at large, what we do for our communities, and get information Elmont Ruritans and other local clubs!
Starting at 1pm, join us for a free lunch with demos and a 3pm seminar about bears and other local wildlife. Get informed and know what to do as wildlife become more active going into the warmer months! Seminar starts at 3pm. This program is brought to you in partnership with Virginia Master Naturalist, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Department of Wildlife Resources, and more!
March 22nd: Adopt-A-Highway Quarterly Clean Up
Starting at 7am, be on the lookout for Elmont Ruritans and volunteers along Cedar Lane (rt 623) from Route 1 to Elmont Road performing our quarterly clean up to help keep our community clean! A project in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Transportation
May 24th: Ruritan Day
The Ruritan Organization was founded May 21st 1928, Ruritans celebrate this founding the Saturday following, with community events, programs and more. Join the Elmont Ruritans from 1pm - 3pm for a "What is Ruritan?" along with a free lunch and yard games (weather permitting) We hope you'll consider joining us and learn about how we support our community!
June 7th: Ashland Strawberry Faire
The Elmont Ruritans will be out at the Faire again this year. Stop by to learn about Ruritan at large, what we do for our communities, and get information Elmont Ruritans and other local clubs!
Who We Are
The Elmont Ruritan Club is a non-profit local community organization comprised of members of various backgrounds.
What We Do
Our goal is to help support our community, through community service projects like roadside cleanup, food drives, assisting community members in need with various projects.
We also provide monetary support and volunteer hours to local youth organizations like Cubs Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Frontier Girls, FFA, 4-H and more
We also provide monetary support and volunteer hours to local youth organizations like Cubs Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Frontier Girls, FFA, 4-H and more
We Need YOUR Help
Help support our community by joining one of our fundraising events or consider making a monetary donation. Money donated to the club supports local missions and helps our community.
Volunteer and join local projects. Elmont Ruritan hosts several events throughout the year and we are always looking for more community members to get involved. Have a local business and think you could partner up for one of our events? Contact us and see if we could collaborate on an activity
Join our Ruritan Club. We are always looking for our next potential member. Check out our JOIN US page for more information
Volunteer and join local projects. Elmont Ruritan hosts several events throughout the year and we are always looking for more community members to get involved. Have a local business and think you could partner up for one of our events? Contact us and see if we could collaborate on an activity
Join our Ruritan Club. We are always looking for our next potential member. Check out our JOIN US page for more information
What is Ruritan?
Ruritan is a national organization dedicated to improving communities and building a better America through Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service. Ruritan is a civic service organization made up of local clubs in small towns and rural communities. Ruritan’s purpose is to create a better understanding among people and through volunteer community service, make America’s communities better places in which to live and work. The slogan of Ruritan is “Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service.” Club membership represents a cross-section of the community in which the club serves, and is not restrictive with regard to occupation, social position, or any other specific criteria.
Unlike most civic service organizations, Ruritan rarely has national programs. Rather, each club surveys its own community as to the needs of that community and then works to meet some of those needs. Nearly all clubs work locally with FFA, 4-H and other organizations serving youth. Nearly one in every three Ruritan clubs sponsors a Scout unit.
Many clubs provide and supervise community recreational centers, sponsor Little League and other athletic programs, involve themselves in anti-litter campaigns, help the sick and needy, and perform a wide range of services to help their communities.
Sixteen members are required to form a Ruritan club, usually with the assistance of an existing club. When a club applies for membership in Ruritan, it submits a charter application along with a charter fee. Upon chartering, the club receives supplies and assistance necessary for its organization and continuance. Of special interest to young people are two growing, expanding Ruritan programs: The Ruritan National Foundation and the Ruritan Student Program. The Ruritan National Foundation annually provides financial assistance to students to further their education past high school.
In the Ruritan Student Program, many Ruritan clubs select two or more high school students and pay their entire membership (including meals) in the club for one year. The purpose of the Ruritan Student Program is to introduce students of all ages to the Ruritan spirit of Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service.
Unlike most civic service organizations, Ruritan rarely has national programs. Rather, each club surveys its own community as to the needs of that community and then works to meet some of those needs. Nearly all clubs work locally with FFA, 4-H and other organizations serving youth. Nearly one in every three Ruritan clubs sponsors a Scout unit.
Many clubs provide and supervise community recreational centers, sponsor Little League and other athletic programs, involve themselves in anti-litter campaigns, help the sick and needy, and perform a wide range of services to help their communities.
Sixteen members are required to form a Ruritan club, usually with the assistance of an existing club. When a club applies for membership in Ruritan, it submits a charter application along with a charter fee. Upon chartering, the club receives supplies and assistance necessary for its organization and continuance. Of special interest to young people are two growing, expanding Ruritan programs: The Ruritan National Foundation and the Ruritan Student Program. The Ruritan National Foundation annually provides financial assistance to students to further their education past high school.
In the Ruritan Student Program, many Ruritan clubs select two or more high school students and pay their entire membership (including meals) in the club for one year. The purpose of the Ruritan Student Program is to introduce students of all ages to the Ruritan spirit of Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service.
The first Ruritan Club was chartered May 21, 1928, in Holland, Virginia. Since that first club, Ruritan has grown throughout the United States of America, and in doing so, has become “America’s Leading Community Service Organization”.
Tom Downing of Suffolk, Virginia, and Jack Gwaltney of Holland, Virginia, are known as the co-founders of Ruritan. Gwaltney and Downing recognized the need for an organization where community leaders could meet and discuss ways to make their community a better place in which to live.
The name “Ruritan” was suggested by Daisy Nurney, a reporter for the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot newspaper, and the club’s charter members unanimously adopted “Ruritan” as the organization’s name. The word is a combination of the Latin words for open country “ruri” and small town “tan,” interpreted as pertaining to rural and small town life.
Tom Downing of Suffolk, Virginia, and Jack Gwaltney of Holland, Virginia, are known as the co-founders of Ruritan. Gwaltney and Downing recognized the need for an organization where community leaders could meet and discuss ways to make their community a better place in which to live.
The name “Ruritan” was suggested by Daisy Nurney, a reporter for the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot newspaper, and the club’s charter members unanimously adopted “Ruritan” as the organization’s name. The word is a combination of the Latin words for open country “ruri” and small town “tan,” interpreted as pertaining to rural and small town life.